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DataPrime® Data Logger Hp5
The Dataprime Hp5 GSM Low Energy data logger is a multiple-use logger that records temperature data for real-time measurement of temperature, humidity and light. GSM tracking connectivity for smart logistics worldwide. Designed for Cold Chain, CRT, and Frozen shipments, the Hp5 is ideal for monitoring applications, as well as qualification testing and equipment validation.
Dataprime® Data Logger Hp6 / Hp6s
The Dataprime Hp6 4G CAT1 with GPRS falldown is a multiple- use logger that records temperature data for real-time measurement of temperature, humidity and light. 4G/GSM tracking connectivity for smart logistics worldwide. Designed for Cold Chain, CRT, and Frozen shipments, the Hp6 is ideal for monitoring applications, as well as qualification testing and equipment validation.
DataPrime® Special Models
Dataprime can make for you a special design and manufacture a model that fit with yoor special requirements.
DataPrime® Data Logger OEM developer
Dataprime Datalogger Manufacturer. We design and develop smart state-of-the-art technological devices adapting to the specifications of our clients. Our extensive experience allows us to develop a product from concept to industrialization, going through the previous stages of first samples and prototypes.
Copyright © 2023 Data Prime Tech
Temperature&Humidity Data Loggers
Dataprime® Hp6b+BLE Beacon +Ext Probe
The Dataprime Hp6 4G CAT1 with GPRS falldown is a multiple- use logger that records temperature data for real-time measurement of temperature, humidity and light. 4G/GSM tracking connectivity for smart logistics worldwide. This model has BLE connection for 3 Beacon and the possibility for connect External probe to the Beacon
DataPrime® Data Logger Hp5
The Dataprime Hp5 GSM Low Energy data logger is a multiple-use logger that records temperature data for real-time measurement of temperature, humidity and light. GSM tracking connectivity for smart logistics worldwide. Designed for Cold Chain, CRT, and Frozen shipments, the Hp5 is ideal for monitoring applications, as well as qualification testing and equipment validation.
Dataprime® Data Logger Hp6 / Hp6s
The Dataprime Hp6 4G CAT1 with GPRS falldown is a multiple-use logger that records temperature data for real-time measurement of temperature, humidity and light. 4G/GSM tracking connectivity for smart logistics worldwide. Designed for Cold Chain, CRT, and Frozen shipments, the Hp6 is ideal for monitoring applications, as well as qualification testing and equipment validation.
DataPrime® Special Models
Dataprime can make for you a special design and manufacture a model that fit with yoor special requirements.
DataPrime® Data Logger OEM developer
Dataprime Datalogger Manufacturer. We design and develop smart state-of-the-art technological devices adapting to the specifications of our clients. Our extensive experience allows us to develop a product from concept to industrialization, going through the previous stages of first samples and prototypes.
 how we can help your organization choose the smartest solutions to meet its needs today and tomorrow.
Copyright © 2023 Data Prime Tech
Temperature&Humidity Data Loggers
Dataprime® Hp6b+BLE Beacon +Ext Probe
The Dataprime Hp6 4G CAT1 with GPRS falldown is a multiple- use logger that records temperature data for real-time measurement of temperature, humidity and light. 4G/GSM tracking connectivity for smart logistics worldwide. This model has BLE connection for 3 Beacon and the possibility for connect External probe to the Beacon